Farewell Dinner for Dr. Charlie Haddad

Yesterday the ELCJHL, our COCOP partners, Father Issa Musleh, Father Yacoub Rafeedi, and Former Director of Education in Bethlehem Bassam Jaber gathered to celebrate Dr. Charlie Haddad and his two decades of brilliant ministry. 
Dr. Charlie’s work built up the ELCJHL educational system to go above and beyond top educational local and international standards. His passion and dedication to offering a top-tier education and form a new generation of peacemakers and leaders is evident in the achievements of ELCJHL graduates here and around the world. We as a church could not be more grateful to Dr. Charlie for dedicating his whole self to this important ministry. God Bless Dr. Charlie as he enters his retirement, and we look forward to leaning on his expertise for many years to come. 
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