

As Christians, we are called to a ministry greater than once a week within the walls of our churches. We are called to advocate for the equal rights of all, regardless of gender, religion, or background. We are called to be stewards of the earth. We are called to serve the vulnerable in our communities.

As an ever-evolving response to this call, the ELCJHL has extended its ministry to several sectors, all serving our mission through various means. Housed in the offices of Bishop Azar, we have our Gender Justice Desk, which has made historic efforts to educate and empower women and men to work towards gender justice.

Among the blustery hills of Beit Jala sits our Environmental Education Center (EEC). Our staff at the EEC design and facilitate programming for local schools to educate the next generation about environmental awareness and justice. The center also works with local farmers to assist with harvest and planting efforts, with women’s forums throughout the West Bank to empower local initiatives for the environment, and with local and international researchers to further the bird migration studies which began at our center over two decades ago. This center and its ministry serves as a powerful testament to our commitment to not only care for God’s creation ourselves, but instill the importance of doing so into the next generation.

Just down the hill from our Environmental Education Center is the Beit Ibrahim/Abrahams Herberge compound, which houses our Diaconal Ministry. This ministry has been recently restarted, and works with the financially, spiritually, and physically vulnerable of our community to provide resources and support. The ELCJHL Deaf Ministry is also under the umbrella of our Diaconal Ministry, and meets regularly for workshops and fellowship.

The ELCJHL also has a thriving Youth Ministry, led by Pastor Rodny Said. Throughout the year, ELCJHL youth attend programming which offers space for spiritual reflection, bonding with youth from other congregations, and fun! 

Click on one of our ministries to learn more.

The Diaconal Ministry of the ELCJHL

The Diaconal Ministry of the ELCJHL Diaconal Ministry has always been a component of the ELCJHL, but in recent years we have been working with international funders and local organizations to centr...

Youth Ministry of the ELCJHL

The Youth Ministry of the ELCJHL Finding programs that allow young adults to connect with other youth in this walk of life is very important. Our youth are the next generation of leaders in the churc...

Gender Justice Ministry

The Gender Justice Ministry of the ELCJHL OverviewThe Gender Justice Ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land is dedicated to promoting gender justice and equality in a...

Environmental Education Center

The Environmental Education Center (EEC) The Environmental Education Center of the ELCJHL is located in Beit Jala right next to Talitha Kumi. Though the ministry of the center began in 1986 with a ...