Bishop Azar alongside Patriarchs and Heads of Churches meet with New EU Ambassador to Palestine

The new EU Ambassador to Palestine, HE Alexandre Stutzmann, had an audience with the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches at the beginning of this month. Christian leaders expressed concerns over the rising violence against local and touring Christians at the hands of Israeli extremists. Over the next four years of his tenure, the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches will meet with him regularly....

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Lutheran Scouts in Beit Sahour hold Freedom Race

At the beginning of October, the Lutheran Scouts of Beit Sahour hosted the Freedom Race in Beit Sahour. This community-wide event was to bring awareness to restrictions of movement placed upon Palestinians, as well as bring the community together. Participants of all ages raced, and onlookers cheered....

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LWF General Assembly

ELCJHL in was Poland for the LWF 13th General Assembly! The ELCJHL was represented by Bishop Doctor Sani Ibrahim Azar, Reverend Sally Azar, and Youth Steward Bashar Qassis from our Church of the Reformation Congregation in Beit Jala.Reverend Sally, in her role of Ex-Officio arrived in Poland early in the month to prepare for the Youth Pre-Assembly. This Assembly will conclude her 7 years of serving as a Youth Council Member to the LWF.Youth Steward Bashar participated in the Youth Pre-Assembly, where he presented topics brought forward in the Asia Region's Pre-Assembly which occured in June in...

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The Lutheran World Federation Statement on Christian Presence and Life in the Holy Land

One outcome of the Lutheran World Federation's General Assembly this September was a joint statement on the Christian Presence and Life in the Holy Land.   You can read it here: LWF Statement on Christian Presence and Life in the Holy Land          ...

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ACT Alliance Forum Meeting Held at Church of the Redeemer

Bishop Azar hosted the Act Palestine Forum this morning at the Church of Redeemer in Jerusalem this morning as part of a new ACT Palestine Forum initiative to strengthen the relationship between ACT Alliance partners and local churches for the sake of supporting the indigenous Christian presence here in the Holy Land. Delegates from ACT Church of Sweden, ACT Alliance, DSPR/MECC, DCA/NCA, CMEP, MCC, the ELCA, and the LWF were all in attendance.   Bishop Azar presented the ministry of the ELCJHL, as well as its mission going forward regarding the church’s important role in local e...

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Bishop Azar Congratulates His Beatitude Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa

Bishop Doctor Ibrahim Azar and the ELCJHL staff had the wonderful opportunity to meet with His Beatitude Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, to congratulate him on his appointment as cardinal.     ...

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Bishop Azar receives Doctorate of Divinity honoris causa from United Lutheran Seminary Doctorate of Divinity honoris

Dr. Bishop Sani Ibrahim Azar We congratulate and applaud Bishop Sani Ibrahim Azar on receiving his Doctorate of Divinity honoris causa from the United Lutheran Seminary. This tremendous honor was bestowed upon Bishop Azar by Reverend Doctor R. Guy Erin and Reverend Doctor Martin Otto-Zimmann. Alf mabrook Bishop Azar!   ...

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